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3 Things Brands Need to Know About Health & Wellness Influencers

Everything your brand needs to keep in mind before partnering with health and wellness influencers
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A growing 49% of consumers make purchases once a month because of influencers’ social media posts. People are increasingly turning to other shoppers for product recommendations — especially when it comes to health and wellness products. 

The health and wellness industry is complex, offering innumerable products that require significant research and information. Established creators in this space have become designated subject matter experts, helping brands break through the noise and connect with their target audience effectively. 

This is Part 3 of our series about influencer marketing strategies for health and wellness brands. If you missed the first two parts, catch up here:

In this part of the series, we’re breaking down everything your brand needs to keep in mind when partnering with health and wellness influencers. Let’s get started.

Health and wellness influencers are selective of the brands they choose to represent.

Because the health and wellness industry is extremely saturated, influencers in this space are approached by a lot of brands. However, they’re also very particular about the brands they choose to work with, as the products they recommend need to align with the health goals and values they preach about. In fact, 59% of health-conscious influencers stated that the number one reason to work with brands is that “their message aligns with mine.”

Just as you strive to be strategic in selecting the right influencers to partner with for your brand, influencers are doing the exact same thing. You look for on-brand content, relevant demographics, and reasonable price points. On the flip side, health-conscious influencers look for products that are well-researched, showcase proven results, and have a solid reputation in the space. 

It’s important to make sure your brand measures up to these expectations because the health and wellness industry is extremely competitive and undergoing rapid change. 

When reaching out to influencers, ensure you’re taking your time to personalize your messaging. Include a mission statement that is relatable, has appeal, and is relevant to them as individuals. Each influencer is unique, so you want the messaging to come off just as unique to align with their values, routines, and content aesthetic. They’ll be much more likely to accept the collaboration if they feel you appreciate their individuality and take the time to genuinely reach out.

Health and wellness influencers value regular check-ins from the brands they work with.

Health and wellness influencers typically have strong emotional ties to the brands they choose to represent because they truly believe in the products and use them on a regular basis to better their own health. If you’ve found influencers who are genuine fans of your brand, make sure to foster meaningful and long-term relationships with them. These individuals will be the best advocates for your brand. 

Remember, influencer marketing is a relationship game. Check in regularly with your creators and ask them for product feedback. Because they’re intimately interacting, using, and experiencing your product, they’ll be able to provide great insights from the consumer’s perspective. Make this a priority to improve your product, packaging, and resources. 

Additionally, go the extra mile and give them exclusive perks for being part of your community, such as by inviting them to cool events, providing them with special discount codes, or giving them early access to new products. By doing so, you can boost brand affinity and pave the way for long-term partnerships with your favorite creators.

For example, Kourtney Kardashian-Barker’s wellness brand Poosh recently hosted a select group of influencers to stay at Camp Poosh — framed as a sleepaway camp for adults — as part of their 2024 Coachella activation. Attending influencers were able to enjoy an immersive health and wellness retreat that also included exclusive musical performances, festival prep and recovery stations, classic camp activities, and lots of freebies, including vitamins from Kourtney’s supplement brand Lemme.

Health and wellness influencers are very in tune with their audience.

Similar to the fitness industry, the health and wellness industry represents a community of like-minded individuals, who are excited about living a healthy lifestyle and boosting their well-being. 

Each influencer’s audience comprises their own tight-knit community, who rely on the creator’s product reviews, ideas, and suggestions. Health and wellness influencers are constantly answering their audience’s burning questions about the best supplements to take, or about their wellness routine. 

Source: Instagram / @laurenelizabeth

By doing so, these creators act as their audience’s trusted confidant, allowing them to connect on a deeper, more intimate level. Engagement rates are high and responses are authentic because the influencers want the best for their audience in their health and wellness journeys. 

Ready to start engaging with health and wellness influencers? 

We know that developing your influencer marketing strategy can feel overwhelming — but we’re here to help! Aspire will streamline your influencer discovery, management, analytics, and more, so that you can focus on building authentic relationships. Get in touch with us to see how the platform works. 

In the meantime, check out our ebook, A Step-by-Step Guide to Running an Influencer Campaign.

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